
Aside from handling regular website page requests, Sitetheory also handles all API requests through the /Api url on any domain. Sitetheory is a **REST**ful API using the standard methods of (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, etc) for interaction with all entities and standard actions for viewing, creating, editing, and deleting content. Everything is accessible through the API and can be requested in JSON or XML. Access is controlled through a robust permissions system (based on your user account), with granular role or user based access to assets (site, bundles, content type, specific records or even specific fields). Additional SOAP style requests are available in the API for advanced filtering, e.g. you can pass in options to a custom Entity API Controller, e.g. ContentApiController accepts “options” ?options[showContentInfo]=true.


IMPORTANT: All API calls should be to the HTTPS (SSL enabled) version of the URL (so you do not send information in plain text)!

The API will only allow you to interact with the data, based on your permissions. Some entities and records may be viewable by the public but not editable (e.g. Content) while others will be completely private (e.g. Billing). Others will be a mix, based on the annotation of the fields (e.g. User will expose the public username and avatar, but email and other private fields will be visible only to the user or a site administrator).



Use the appropriate HTTP method to determine what kind of action you want to take. These RESTful methods are mapped to internal API methods that correlate with the default behavior.

GET: select one or more records, using our internal getAction() method. PUT: edit one or more records, using our internal setAction() method. POST: create one or more new entities, using our internal newAction() method. DELETE: delete one or more entities, using our internal delAction() method.

Targeting a Specific Entity

You can target any entity by the specifying the entity name, e.g. Profile can be found at /Api/Profile, Users at /Api/User, etc.

For example, get all articles by doing a request for: GET /Api/Article Or get a a specific article by appending the ID of the article: Get /Api/Article/12345

API Structure

Data is transferred to and from the API in a payload. When you receive a response from the API, you will receive a full convoy which will contain an outer object that will contain a route, meta, and payload. When you send to data to the API, the full convoy structure is optional (e.g. you don’t need a route and meta because the essentials are specified in the Method and URI structure), so you could just send the payload as the top level (without a payload wrapper).


The route contains information for where the payload needs to go, whether it be a specific controller, user, or some other destination. If this is filled out by using a RESTful request like /Api/User then we’ve already specified the controller in the URL and that is why it’s not necessary to include a route when sending a request to the API.

Each API request is sent to a Controller based on the name of the Entity, e.g. if you want to edit the


The meta always contains a method and status, at the very least. The methods are get, set, new, and del. These can also be set by using a RESTful interface of GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE, respectively (which is why the Meta is not required for sending to the API). There is also a PATCH option, but it is synonymous with PUT, as they are both designed to be a patchable request. The status should not be set unless we encounter an error. If nothing fails at the time of serialization, the system will automatically place a SUCCESS status into the correlating array. There may be other bits of information inside the meta as required by the destination.

The Meta also be used to send data to the API, e.g. if an custom Entity API Controller needs extra options these can be put into the meta (instead of sending through the URL).



The payload is the entity data that should be created or edited on the database. The entity may be a nested object of associated entities. The payload can also be a collection of entities.

Example of Full Convoy

This could be a typical response from the API.

    "route": {
        "controller": "User"
    "meta": {
        "method": "get",
        "status": [
                "code": "SUCCESS",
                "message": "Successfully executed request."
    "payload": [
            "id": 1,
            "username": "Plato",
            "email": "plato@epistemology.edu"
            "id": 2,
            "username": "Aristotle",
            "email": "aristotle@metaphysics.edu"
            "id": 3,
            "username": "Socrates",
            "email": "socrates@maieutics.edu"
            "id": 4,
            "username": "Nietzsche",
            "email": "friedrich@nihilism.org"
            "id": 5,
            "username": "Kierkegaard",
            "email": "søren@existence.net"

Example of Simple Convoy

This could be a typical PUT to the API to edit one field on the record. Note that there is no payload wrapper, it’s just the single field (not even a full object). The API request would specify the Route Controller (User) and the ID being edited (so you don’t need to include that in the payload):

PUT /Api/User/1

    "email": "plato@epistemology.edu"

API Request Lifecycle

1. The Request

Send a request to the /Api and specify the HTTP method (required), controller (required), ID (optional), and convoy (optional).

2. The APIController

All requests to /Api are routed to the ApiController (SitetheoryCoreBundleControllerApiController.php) instead of the InitController that is normally executed for regular page loads. Like the InitController it controllers the high level routing and environment. It will detect the method being used (e.g. GET, PUT), as well as what entity you are targeting so that it loads the correct entity API controller. It passes this information to the custom entity API controller. It also interprets the convoy being requested or assembles it to send back to the requestor.


This runs the initialize() method on the API controller which does the initial setup of the API (extended from the shared EntityApiController, see #4 below).


Based on your requested method (e.g. GET) this will run the related action on the the Content Entity API Controller, e.g. getAction() (extended from the shared EntityApiController, see #4 below).


This runs the finalizer() method on the API controller which does the initial setup of the API (extended from the shared EntityApiController, see #4 below).

3. Custom Entity API Controllers

Every entity that is accessible in the API will have a controller, e.g. Article has a custom API controller found at ArticleApiController (SitetheoryArticleBundleControllerArticleApiController.php). This controller may just be a stub, because not every entity needs special API functionality (the default behavior is sufficient). But in this case the articles are a ContentType that function as a routable page on the site (e.g. like Profile, Event, Stream, etc), so this controller actually extends the shared ContentApiController (SitetheoryCoreBundleControllerContentContentApiController.php) because it shares a lot of similar functionality with all other page related Content.

All API controllers also extend the EntityApiController (SitetheoryComponentBundleControllerEntityApiController.php), which does the heavy lifting for managing the lifecycle of an API request for selecting, editing, creating, and deleting records, e.g. standard searching/filtering, permissions control, etc.

We often need to customize the data for specific entities, e.g. if a Profile is requested (or any Content), by default we also want to fetch the Route, the best version, and the related meta data for profiles. So in each entity’s custom API controller we extend methods from the EntityApiController to modify the database lookup (e.g. join additional tables). So each Entity API Controller has full control over the lifecycle of the request.

Custom Actions

Be aware that the bulk of the code referenced below are actually in related “default” methods, e.g. initialize() calls initializeDefault(). The default versions of these methods are used most of the time, but you can create custom actions, by telling the API to use a custom API action, e.g. ?options[action]=fancy or {“meta”:{“options”:{“action”:”fancy”}}}. This would make initialize() execute initializeFancy() which would also execute getActionFancy() instead of getActionDefault(). Then you can define these custom methods in your custom entity API controller.

4. The EntityApiController

This is a very high level overview of the lifecycle of the EntityApiController. We don’t want to document this here in case there are changes. Instead, the code is heavily documented so you can read what it does there.


-Merge Default Options from Custom Controller (if exist) -Get Options from Request URL, and Convoy Meta -Manage Access Control (allowed actions for this Entity)

If no custom action is specified, the default version initializeDefault() method is run. This default method is often extended to instruct the API fetch additional associated entities. See ContentApiController for example.

Method Specific Actions

Depending on the type of Method requested, the relevant method will be used. Each action will verify that you have the right CRUD permissions to act on the entities, based on your permissions and the Sentinel (See /1.0/Security/Overview for more details about security and permissions).

  • GET getAction(): This gets the requested records and return frames, which are then set in the convoy payload.
  • PUT setAction(): This fetches the records being edited and then executes the persist() method to apply the changes to the records it just fetched and persist the changes to the database.
  • DELETE delAction(): This deletes the requested records.
  • POST newAction(): This creates new records.


This persists changes to the entities (e.g. for PUT, POST and DELETE methods). This is smart enough to persist cross entity managers! It also references the Entity Annotations to determine CRUD access level on a per field basis.

This is where the crazy starts. You will have to step through this method line by line (and really it’s the persister() that does the recursive “Tree Building”).

  • Uses “Tree Building” to recurse through nested entities.
  • Hydrates Associated Entities (when an ID changes, e.g. Site.SiteVersion.theme changes to a new template).
  • Validates CRUD permissions to edit on every nested entity and field.
  • Merges in Changes for Persisting
  • Handles AutoVersioning of Versionable Entities

Many problems with the API are likely caused by issues in the complex persister() with permissions that result in changes to entities (or fields) to be discarded.


Finalize Structures the entity data that you send back from the API to the requesting script. It is called for all methods (e.g. GET, PUT, POST, etc). The finalizeDefault() is often customized to manipulate data before the request is returned. (see ContentApiController for example.)


This is a special functionality to “Manifest” an empty new entity and it’s associated parents and/or children. This should be added entity API controllers that have manual associations that need to be manifested, e.g. Content Integration (see ContentApiController).

Admin Lists

For the purpose of editing (e.g. on List Pages) in the admin context, the API adds the editUrl in the meta data it returns, so that you can know where entities should be edited. This is based on the entity’s controller, but sometimes you need to specify an alternative URL. That can be easily customized for an entire entity by editing the entity’s custom ApiController, e.g. for the Site entity, you edit the SiteApiController and add options like this:

protected $options = [
        'altEditUrl' => [
            'bundle' => 'Hosting',
            'controller' => 'SiteSettingsEdit'

Or if you just want an alternative editUrl in specific widgets, just add it to the data attribute like this:

GET Variable
data-api='{"options”:{“altEditUrl":{"bundle":"Hosting", "controller":"SiteSettingsEdit"}}}'

Advanced API Options

Limits and Paging

The meta object of the response contains pagination information that describes how the total records, current records on this page, and total pages.

    "pagination": {
        "countCurrent": 25,
        "countTotal": 100,
        "pageCurrent": 2,
        "pageTotal": 4

You can modify the how many records are returned and which page you want to view by passing variables to the API either through the URL or through the meta.

GET Variables


By default the API loads the first page (if more records than one page exist), so you can pass in a variable to specify the page you wish to receive.

Variable: page or p Type: integer Example: /Api/{ENTITY}/?p=2

Paging Type

By default all content will be paged after a specific max limit. TODO: this may not be implemented yet (or relevant since infinite scroll is really just the front end UI making paging requests as you scroll. Variable: pagingType Values: pager (default), infiniteScroll Example: /Api/{ENTITY}/?pagingType=infiniteScroll


By default the API returns a fixed number of results (e.g. 25). If you wish to modify the number, you can pass in a limit.

Variable: limit or ql (“query limit”) Value: integer Example: `/Api/{ENTITY}/?ql=10


By default the API returns a fixed number of results (e.g. 25). If you wish to modify the number, you can pass in a limit.

Variable: offset or qlo (“query limit offset”) Value: integer Example: `/Api/{ENTITY}/?qlo=5


By default the API sorts by timeEdit DESC (most recent).

Variable: sort or qs (“query sort”) Value: string of valid field name, which are visible in the meta.searchable fields list in the API meta object. Example: `/Api/{ENTITY}/?qs=version.title

If you need to sort by more than one field, you can pass a comma separated list of sort options. Example: /Api/{ENTITY}/?qs=version.title ASC, version.pullout DESC But the recommended method is to pass an array: Example: `/Api/{ENTITY}/?sort[version.title]=ASC&sort[name]=DESC

NOTE: there are cases where we can pass in special conditions into the sort order and we’ll parse that command. Example: /Api/{ENTITY}/?sort[version.title]=ASC:LASTWORD

NOTE: there are special sort options that we parse to find the best way to search, by specifying the property as ‘SITETHEORY:CUSTOM’ and the property as the method we want to execute. Example: /Api/{ENTITY}/?sort[SITETHEORY:CUSTOM]=bestTime

Sort Order

By default the API sorts by DESC. If you don’t want to modify the field that is sorting and only want to modify the order, you can pass in just the sortOrder.

Variable: sortOrder or qso (“query sort order”) Value: ASC, DESC Example: `/Api/{ENTITY}/?qso=ASC

Output Format

By default all content will be returned in JSON format, but if you prefer XML, RSS, ICS, or other relevant formats you can specify the output format Variable: output Values: json (default), xml, rss, ics Example: /Api/{ENTITY}/?output=xml

Keyword Search Queries

The query parameter lets you search all the entity records, on all fields annotated as “searchable”. This allows you to pass a string from a user search field exactly as formatted (giving the user more power to do complex searches). (NOTE: if you want to do searches on the API from a programmatic perspective, you should use the filter format specified later in this document.)

Variable: query or q Values: string Example: /Api/{ENTITY}/?q=foobar

TODO: specify the format for limiting search to specific fields

Advanced Keyword Search Filtering

You can pass in specific fields through the query field, e.g. “title=my title”. This removes the filters that were found, so other parsing will not reference them. To search for strings for all searchable fields, in addition to value for a specific field, put the general string at the front of the search and put the field searches at the end

Comparison Values

NOTE: when hard coding searches of the $options[‘filter’]for ApiRepositoryTrait#findByFilter() in code, you should use the standard comparison values used by the database, but alternative aliases are available for use in query parameters where you don’t want to URL Encode reserved characters like ‘=’.

[=] or [!=] - comparison means the values exactly equal or do not exactly equal each other. e.g. title=”my title” (query alias: [EQ] and [NEQ] ) [>] or [<] or [>=] or [<=] - comparison means the values are greater than or equal. e.g. timeEdit>2014-10-14 (query alias: [GT] [GTE] [LT] [LTE] ) [LIKE] or [NOT LIKE] - comparison means “contains” instead of ‘=’ which means “exactly equal”. [REGEXP] or [NOT REGEXP] - comparison means the following is a regular expression. (not implemented at this time) [IN] or [NOT IN] - comparison means the following is an IN comparison and the value should be separated by commas.

You can do advanced searches on one or more specific fields by using a special field syntax FIELD[=]VALUE. FIELD is the field name in format entity.field (if there is no entity it will be assumed to be the main entity ‘e’), e.g. version.title. VALUE is the value (one or more words). The comparison can be:

  • exactly equals: [=] or [!=]

    Example: title[=]foo bar stache (the title is exactly “foo bar stache”)

  • contains: [LIKE] or [NOT LIKE]

    Example: title[LIKE]foo (the title contains “foo” anywhere, e.g. “foobar” or “barfoodo”)

  • greater or less than: [>] or [<] [>=] or [<=]

    Note: if searching a time field, the human readable formats will be converted to a unix time stamp. Example: time[>]2015-05-01

  • regular expression: [REGEXP] or [NOT REGEXP]

    Note: reserved Regular Expression special characters need to be commented out with a backslash “”. Examples:

    title[REGEXP]^foo[a-z]+ar (the title starts with “foo” followed by any character a-z followed by “ar”, e.g. “foobar” or “foojar”) title[NOT REGEXP]\(copy\)$ (anything with a title that doesn’t end in “(copy)”)

  • in list: [IN] or [NOT IN] (the value is in the list of options)

    Note: the value should be a comma separated list. Example: id[IN]1,2,3 (id equals 1,2 or 3)

Multi Part Filters

_**title[LIKE]foo bar time[>]2014-10-14**_ - finds where title contains “foo bar” and time is greater than the date _**baz shazam title[LIKE]foo bar**_ - finds where content includes baz and shazam in any field and “foo bar” only in the title field.

Target Nested Fields

Many fields you want to search are on nested entities, so you must specify the field name in dot notation, e.g. when searching the /Api/Content the main Content entity has very few fields of interest, most of what you search is the contentVersion, so your search would be on the nested version entity, e.g. to search the title:

GET Variables

Get Multiple Records by Id

Normally you would get a single record in RESTful format /Api/Media/1234, but if you need to get multiple ids you can do one of the following:

GET Variables
/Api/Content?filter={"field":"id", "value":[1234,5678], "comparison": "IN"}

Select and Unselect

NOTE: this shouldn’t hurt UPDATES, since the API just updates the fields you provide, and if you are missing specific fields it won’t modify them.

By default all readable fields will be returned in the API. If you only want to return specific fields, you can select which fields are returned.

Variable: select or unselect Values: array of field names


  • /Api/{ENTITY}/?select[]=foo&select[]=bar
  • /Api/{ENTITY}/?unselect[]=baz&select[]=fuzz


The simple string query parameter (above) can allow you to search all searchable fields. But if you want to search one or more fields specifically, you can pass in a filter as a single JSON array/object, or as key value pairs.

Variable: filter Values: array with field name and value (for exact match) or JSON string as an array with field, value and comparison


  • /Api/{ENTITY}/?filter[title]=foo&filter[price]=1000 (Exactly Equals)
  • /Api/{ENTITY}/?filter=[{“field”:”foo”,”value”:”bar”, “comparison”:”LIKE”},{“field”:”extension”,”value”:”jpg”}] (Multiple Fields)
  • /Api/{ENTITY}/?filter={“field”:”mime”,”value”:”image”, “comparison”:”LIKE”} (Single Field)

NOTE: the EntityApiController will compile these filters and confirm that you have permissions to search each requested field.


Variable: flatten TODO: Explain what this is for.

Alternative Edit URL

If you need to lookup the URL for a content other than the current controller’s corresponding Edit page, just pass in a bundle and controller. Variable: altEditUrl Value: Array of bundle and controller names. Example: /Api/Content?altEditUrl[bundle]=Article&altEditUrl[controller]=Article

Special API Action

Specify a special API action to run, e.g. “duplicate”. Variable: apiSpecialAction


  • “duplicate” - triggers duplication of an entity
  • “iterateVersion - iterates a versionable entity

Example: /Api/Content/12345?apiSpecialAction=duplicate

API Action

Specify an alternative action (besides the default API action). This is an advanced feature if you have created a custom API controller that needs to do unique SOAP style actions that don’t use the normal REST methods.

Variable: action

Show Assets

Specify whether to show assets or not. By default assets are shown on the main entity if they exist, but in some contexts they may not be. Variable: showAssets Value: boolean (default: true, but depends on context)

Manifest a Version Parent

When manifesting a new entity that is versionable, it will twiddle the entity and manifest a version parent by default. But if you need to return the version entity directly, set this to false.

Variable: manifestVersionParent Value: boolean (default: false)